Resources for creating miRNA-centric networks

  • Resources for miRNA-target data:

    The miRNA target gene data were collected from four well-annotated database miRTarBase v8.0, TarBase v8.0 and miRecords . The data for S.mansoni and S.scrofa are predicted by miRanda by default parameters. The miRNA to molecule interaction data were collected from SM2miR and PharmacomiR. The miRNA to disease interaction data were collected from HMDD 3.2, miR2Disease and PhenomiR 2.0 . The miRNA to epigenetic modifier interaction data were collected from EpimiR. The miRNA to ncRNA interaction data were collected from starBase v2.0. The miRNA to TF interaction data were collected from TransmiR v2.0. The variant annotation data for miRNA, miRNA-binding sites and TF-binding sites were collected from ADmiRE, PolymiRTS v3.0 and SNP2TFBS respectively. Also we optimize the data by removing the duplicated records and those miRNAs which proved to be wrong in miRBase v21. The tissue-specific miRNA annotation data were collected from TSmiR and IMOTA. The exosomal miRNA annotation data were collected from ExoCarta. The miRNA set libraries (Function, Disease, Transcription Factor, Cluster) were collected from TAM 2.0.

  • Resources for xeno-miRNA data:

    Xeno-miRNAs detected from deep sequencing were collected from Exo-miRExplorer. Xeno-miRNAs manually collected from literature included dietary sources, parasites exosome-liked vesicles and virus. Predicted xeno-miRNA data were collected from the study by Shu et al. The xeno-miRNA targets were predicted base on two algorithms with default parameters - miRanda (score >= 140) and TarPmiR (probability >= 0.5).

Data Statistics & Downloads

Species miRNA-gene miRNA-molecule miRNA-disease miRNA-epigenetic regulator miRNA-ncRNA miRNA-TF No. of miRNAs No. of Genes No. of molecules No. of diseases No. of epigenetic regulators No. of ncRNAs No. of TFs No. of SNPs
Human 380639 3110 32004 1932 904583 2513 2741 16944 256 961 38 15987 321 2446632
Mouse 57921 1062 0 23 0 645 890 7506 59 0 4 0 129 0
Rat 610 581 0 0 0 47 198 249 43 0 4 0 23 0
Cattle* 48878 0 0 0 0 0 643 8160 0 0 0 0 0 0
Chicken* 82164 0 0 0 0 0 943 7762 0 0 0 0 0 0
Zebrafish 175 148 0 0 0 35 47 105 6 0 0 0 7 0
Fruitfly 283 0 0 0 0 0 46 97 0 0 0 0 0 0
C.elegans 3215 34 0 0 0 71 155 448 0 0 0 0 30 0
S.mansoni* 1274 0 0 0 0 0 134 1119 0 0 0 0 0 0
Pig* 531083 0 0 0 0 0 429 8353 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 1106242 4935 32004 1955 904583 3311 6226 50743 365 961 42 15987 510 2446632

Note: All of the miRNA-gene interactions for S. mansoni, and most of the miRNA-gene interactions for Cattle, Chicken and Pig are predicted by miRanda.


  • miRNA-gene interactions:        Human      Mouse     Rat     Pig     Zebrafish     Fruitfly     Cattle     Chicken     C.elegans     S.mansoni
  • miRNA-small molecule interactions:        Human     Mouse     Rat     Zebrafish     C.elegens
  • miRNA-TF interactions:        Human     Mouse     Rat     Zebrafish     C.elegens
  • miRNA-epigenetic modifiers interaction:        Human     Mouse
  • Human specific annotations:       Diseases     lncRNAs     circRNAs     pseudogene     sncRNA     SNPs(miRNA)     SNPs(miRNA-binding sites)     SNPs(TF-bindling sites)